Legal Structures

Legal Structures and Relationships

Techvana has adopted a unique structure that combines a Charitable Trust and Equity Crowd Funded operations company and was designed with the following goals…

  1. Enable people with an interest in IT heritage to invest and own part of the Museum.
  2. Provide separation between the collections / assets and the Museum operations.
  3. Raise working capital for the Operations Company via the sale of shares to investors.
  4. Enable collectors who loan their pieces / collections to the Museum to receive a commercial return.
  5. Enable supporters to either donate to the Charitable Trust or purchase a sponsorship package from the Operations Company depending on their individual goals, requirements or what the specifically want to support.
  6. As Techvana expands to other countries, a new charitable trust will be setup for each country to hold their heritage assets.


Techvana Charitable Trust

  • Acquires and owns the collections including those donated and undertakes restorations.
  • Curates and stores the collections.
  • Captures and publishes NZ tech stories. Possibly create a Documentary from the interviews and media.
  • Designs and manages the education programmes.
  • Designs and owns the exhibitions.
  • Runs the Museum membership.


Techvana Operations Limited

  • Has an exclusive license to market the Charitable Trusts Assets and provides a revenue stream to the Charitable Trust.
  • Operates the Museum and its facilities.
  • Loans pieces and collections from other collectors for exhibits.
  • Markets and manages the sponsorship packages and sponsors.
  • Markets and manages the events and functions.
  • Markets the exhibition space to new NZ tech companies for exhibiting their new developments.
  • Markets and tours the exhibitions nationally and globally.