Auckland ICT – Professor Sylvie Chetty
“Unplanned vs. Planned – Decision Making for Firms Entering New Export Markets”
Sylvie talked about the constant challenge business owners face when entering new export markets and how do you plan with uncertainty and little information?
Traditional goal-based planning constrains identifying new opportunities. Sylvie will share some insights about how companies create often unforeseen opportunities to select and enter new export markets. Rather than plan the undo-able, entrepreneurs improvise by starting with their current resources and collaborating with others to create new opportunities.
Professor Sylvie Chetty’s Bio
Professor Sylvie Chetty, Department of Marketing, University of Otago and Research Associate Uppsala University in Sweden. Sylvie has been doing research on how small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) grow through internationalisation. She has extensive research experience about how SMEs make decisions and create opportunities to expand in foreign markets. Her studies include SMEs from New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Spain. She has published her work in several international academic journals. Her presentation was based on her current Marsden funded research project about New Zealand, Australian and Finnish SMEs.